//Love that never halts//
Im on my period. Period pain was breaking walls inside my stomach. The fan was at full speed and yet the room felt vacuumed with heat. All I wanted to do was lie down flat and play something soft, like dil hi toh hai or the journey song. It was 7:10 and we had to meditate, and I had no energy to sit up straight and concentrate. I wanted to let go, and all the rooms were occupied, so I could not lie down in the bedroom or the hall. I came to my room, the bulb had been flickering for an hour and was giving me a headache. So I sat in darkness, complete darkness. I rested my head on the lap of my drafting table, it was too much discomfort as her edges are sharp. With the constant movement to find that right comfortable position, I played songs that are close to my heart. The faint sound of om in the background, my family meditating. I put pressure on my temples as I slept because my head was aching a lot. As soon as the meditation ended, I heard my dad call someone from the tra...